Sub Categories in Chile

Category of: Chile

Chile: Food and Chileno Gourmand Poet Pablo Neruda

May 17, 2018

    A long and slender sliver of land, Chile stretches along the west coast of South America, clinging to the continent between the Pacific Ocean to the west and the rugged Andes to the east. To the north, at 3500 meters elevation, lies El Norte Grande: the stark and desolate Atacama dessert, known as the driest dessert in the world. Vast salt flat, geysers and star gazing are some of the extraordinary features of... View Article

Avenue of the Glaciers (aka Glacier Alley) in the Beagle Channel, Chilean Fjords

May 7, 2018

As we left Ushuaia the ship set an easterly course and once abeam (at right angle) to the lighthouse Faro Les Eclaireurs the ship altered course and begun sailing west on the Beagle Channel. Where the Beagle Channel splits into two arms the ship took the north one and entered a gorgeous channel known as Glacier Alley (I prefer the more elegant “Glacier Avenue“). Cruising the crystal waters, surrounded by rugged Andes mountains with their dramatic... View Article

Cape Horn, Chile – “Rounding the Horn”

May 3, 2018

The highlight of our trip around South America in terms of historical significance was sailing around Cape Horn. This rocky point on Hornos Island, part of the Tiera del Fuego archipelago of southern Chile, is where many seafarers perished in an attempt to cross these rough waters. The treacherous pass was the route from Europe to the far east and many ships went down trying to navigate around the Cape. The opening of the Panama... View Article