Tag Archive: Tarts

Apple Tart Tatin

November 9, 2017

I have been baking up a storm lately, some of the creations have made to the blog and the rest hopefully will if I get to photograph them. Today I focused on beautiful apples from a local orchard that originally were  intended for an Italian apple cake but ended up in a classic French tart tatin. I made this same desserts last week but it was gone before I had a chance to photograph it... View Article

Vegetable galette with cream cheese pastry

November 1, 2017

With a bumper crop of Swiss chard in my rooftop garden I have been looking for ways to use up what is left after the summer. I saw a picture of a vegetable tart in a magazine while waiting for an appointment and thought I could adapt it to use with the chard waiting to be harvested. I used the rainbow chard for this recipe, with thin stalks of many colours and still tender leaves. You... View Article

Lime tarts

September 7, 2017

I was looking around the cookbook section at chapters a few weeks ago and found this lovely little book inside a beautiful box that looked like a chocolate or high end pastry box. Sure enough it was Laduree’s book Sucre featuring Laduree recipes for its world renowned pastries and sweets. It was the only copy and of course I grabbed it. It started me on a dessert making mania that hasn’t stopped yet. No one... View Article


September 7, 2016

I am not going to wax poetic about the change of season. Or am I? We bloggers tend to do that. I will say however that summer seems to be retreating and fall is in the air. The mornings are cool, the sun sets early, the days are shorter. A trip to the farmers market makes you wonder where the green beans and summer berries go. Apples and pear are piled on the stands now... View Article

Spring tarts with vegetable spirals

July 13, 2016

A couple of years ago a food pic went viral on the internet. I think it originated in Europe and featured a gorgeous round tart filled with spirals of multi coloured vegetable ribbons. The image proliferated in cyberland and here I am, two years later, jumping on the vegetable spirals bandwagon. Better late than never? you be the judge. The technique is not complicated but requires a good dose of patience. You slice the vegetables... View Article

Heirloom cherry tomato tart

August 3, 2015

Summer in the Okanagan is in full swing and of course tomatoes are part of it. Little heirloom cherry tomatoes are available at the local organic vegetable stands and make their way to my kitchen and the various dishes I cook. Pasta with cherry tomatoes, tomato salads, pizza and many more dishes have been fun to make and serve in the past few weeks. Today I had a small basket of green, black, red, orange... View Article

Rhubarb and raspberry tarts with meringue

June 11, 2015

It’s raining here today as I am writing this, as it did yesterday and as it will tomorrow according to forecast (remember, this is a pre-scheduled post). A perfect day for staying home and cooking. I have always loved rain, the sound of it dripping, the fresh fragrances it coaxes out of the earth and plants, the silvery colour palette of sky and clouds and how everything is more vibrant against the silvery tones. The... View Article

Apricot Tarts

August 9, 2012

There are so many gorgeous fruits in the market right now my head just spins when I go shopping. Cherries, apricots, peaches, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, melons of all kinds, nectarines, plum. Oh, I am dizzy with excitement. Often we just have them “straight” in a fruit salad or with a little bit of cream (see peaches and cream here) but I also like to bake desserts: tarts, pies, buckles, cakes, fruit crisps, even muffins with... View Article