Tag Archive: grilled sandwiches

Grilled eggplant and kale panini with asiago and parsley pesto

September 21, 2014

My last meal would have to include bread. It’s one of those thing I would not want to do without and I am not talking about the gluten free versions. Good, hearty, country style loaf with thick, chewy crust and dense, moist crumb, that’s what I am talking about, the kind of bread you’d bake in a community oven in a village in Tuscany or Provence. Needless to say there is always bread at our... View Article

Patio Snacks: mini grilled cheese sandwiches with crudités

August 2, 2012

So, we are still in Kelowna for a couple more weeks before going back to reality at home, which isn’t so bad either. We eat pretty informally, making the best of what I find in the local markets. I am having fun preparing all kinds of patio snacks and the latest was these mini grilled cheese sandwiches that I am serving with leftover raw vegetables from the open house the other night. I had quite... View Article