Tag Archive: Fruits desserts

Peach pie

September 3, 2018

I don’t make too many pies here, mostly tarts or free-form galettes for me, but now and then I crave a peach pie and when my friend B can’t make one for me I have to resort to making one myself (how is that for guilt-inducing?). When I made this pie the first time the bottom crust dissolved from the juice of the peaches. It was still good with a flaky, buttery top crust, but not really a... View Article

Roasted late summer fruits, and Vegan crisp topping

September 24, 2014

Here is a way to use the last of the stone fruits at the end of summer and early fall. Roasting the fruits doesn’t dry them, rather it concentrates their flavour and softens them to a nice texture. I toss the fruits with sugar, drizzle pure vanilla extract over and roast at 400℉. You can make it in advance or put it in the oven just before you begin dinner and by the time you... View Article