Tag Archive: Food travel

Chile: Food and Chileno Gourmand Poet Pablo Neruda

May 17, 2018

    A long and slender sliver of land, Chile stretches along the west coast of South America, clinging to the continent between the Pacific Ocean to the west and the rugged Andes to the east. To the north, at 3500 meters elevation, lies El Norte Grande: the stark and desolate Atacama dessert, known as the driest dessert in the world. Vast salt flat, geysers and star gazing are some of the extraordinary features of... View Article

Ushuaia, Patagonia, Argentina – Tiera del Fuego (land of fire) and El Fin del Mundo (“End of the World”)

May 5, 2018

After circling Cape Horn our ship headed north through the narrow Mar del Sur channel en route to Ushuaia. We then proceeded west through the Beagle channel and at 3:30 am the ship slowed its course and soon stopped off the coast of Puerto Williams for custom clearance before crossing back from Chile into Argentina. Needless to say we slept through this stop to the gentle rocking of the ship. Once we received clearance we... View Article

Uruguay – Montevideo

April 14, 2018

Nestled at the edge of the rio de la Plata (more like a sea, being the widest river in the world) before it spills its content into the Atlantic ocean, Uruguay is a small country squeezed between the much larger Brazil in the north and Argentina to the south. Perfect for visiting any time of the year thanks to it warm, mild climate Uruguay makes a great destination for visiting historical Montevideo, enjoying the beaches... View Article

Buenos Aires – Feria de San Telmo

March 10, 2018

Buenos Aires is divided into barrios and each has its own character and style. San Telmo is the oldest neighborhood and oozes with history, character and tradition. It is situated in south Buenos Aires next to the colourful La Boca that sits along the mouth of the Rio Plata (hence the name La Boca, meaning the mouth). The time to visit San Telmo, at least once, is on a Sunday. Sunday is Feria day at... View Article

Yucatan road trip to Merida: Mansion on the Park, Nectar restaurant

February 17, 2018

Merida is the largest city in the Yucatan peninsula and we venture there at least once during our stay. This time we had another reason to go: we were invited to stay a few days at a beautiful hacienda south of Merida and we combined that stay with a couple of nights in Merida.   Mansion Merida on the Park There are a lot of beautiful places to stay at in Merida and I had... View Article

Yucatan road trip day 3 report: Zentik Botique Hotel and Ek Balam

February 15, 2018

On our first night in Valladolid we settled on going for dinner at a hotel I was to check out, The Zentik Boutique Hotel. After wandering around town for the better part of the day we went back to our hotel El Meson del Marques, made reservations at the Zentik Project for 8:00 pm and enjoyed the sunset from our rooftop patio. When it came time to leave for dinner it was completely dark outside. We... View Article

Hacienda Petac – a luxurious Yucatan experience

February 9, 2018

I woke up in a comfortable bed with crisp linen and propped myself up on the soft, large pillows. Light was streaming in through an open window, gently illuminating the magnificent room. Everything about this room is on a grand scale. The old wooden doors and windows, the tall, heavy armoire, the soaring ceiling and the spacious, elegant bathroom, all reminiscent of colonial style of past era, yet luxurious in a very contemporary way. We... View Article

Road Trip Yucatan: The Pink Lagoon at Las Coloradas and Tizimin

February 8, 2018

Yucatan road Trip Day 2 Report After spending a couple of nights in Merida we were ready to continue our road trip heading north in the Yucatan peninsula toward the gulf coast (Gulf of Mexico) to Las Coloradas. I have read about the pink lagoon for some time now and was looking forward to experience it first hand.  Las Coloradas is a small and remote fishing village nestled between the gulf and the Rio Lagartos biosphere... View Article

Road Trip Yucatan: Valladolid, Ek Balam, Las Coloradas

February 7, 2018

Road trip report day 1 After beaching it for a few weeks with day trips here and there and exploring the hotel and food scene in and around Tulum I am ready to go on a longer road trip and explore the more remote Yucatan. First on my agenda this year was a trip to Las Coloradas, a pink lagoon near a salt production factory in the north Yucatan along the gulf coast. Las Coloradas... View Article