Tag Archive: Cornbread


July 23, 2015

Local corn this year is early by about two weeks, thanks to the warm Okanagan summer. I have been buying and cooking it on the cob and off the cob, steaming or grilling and adding it to other vegetables. I had some leftover corn the other day and used it  in this moist and light cornbread to go with a baked bean dish that I prepared but forgot to photograph. Cornbread goes well with BBQ... View Article

Cornbread Muffins

November 23, 2014

Once in a while I get a craving for cornbread. I like it a little sweet, a little tangy with a dense but not heavy texture. I bake it in a square pan, in a cast iron skillet, into muffins or as I did this time, in parchment baking cups. Cornbread can accompany a dinner, be served for breakfast, alongside a salad or with soups. I sometimes break it into crumbs, toast them in the... View Article