Tag Archive: Cakes

Chocolate cupcakes with espresso cream cheese frosting

February 9, 2020

I am still on a roll with the online photography challenge. Today’s submission was a tribute to Frida Khalo and we were asked to include something autobiographical, something that would tell the viewers about the person behind the camera. There were beautiful entries as always and since Khalo was known to paint her own images, many took that challenge and photographed themselves. Me? not in a million years. I submitted an image (below) of chocolate... View Article

Pumpkin Pie

November 26, 2019

      I am more of an apple pie (tart, galette) kind of gal but since “Tis the Season”, pumpkin pie it is. I had leftover roasted pumpkin on hand so puréed it through a food mill for smooth texture. You need about 2 cups. You can use canned pumpkin if you don’t have fresh, I think it’s fine and many online recipe call for canned pumpkin. However, make the pastry yourself, please. It makes... View Article

Cranberry orange cinnamon cakes

October 29, 2019

  So I had leftover cranberry sauce from Canadian thanksgiving and thought I’d make little cakes with some of it. Rather than bake them in muffin tins I scooped the batter into these little autumn inspired mini cake pans and they turned out rather cute. The flavour is tangy with the orange juice and cranberry sauce, and the cakes are light and airy. When I removed them from the tins the underside was a little... View Article

Plum cake

October 5, 2018

You know that saying that a balanced life is a life without passion? well, it tends to describe my life pretty well. I have never had a “balanced” life. I am usually “all in” on one thing or another and it tends to throw everything else off balance. Is balance really that important? I’d say it’s over rated. Right now I am all into baking bread and developing sourdough starters. Considering it’s just the two... View Article

Chocolate cherry Cake with cherry Sauce

August 3, 2018

    Ingredients: Cake: 5 oz dark chocolate, chopped 6 tablespoons butter 5 tablespoons brown sugar 3 egg yolks 1/2 cup walnut pieces 3 tablespoons all purpose flour 3 egg whites 2 cups pitted cherries for cake Cherry sauce: 2 cups pitted cherries for sauce 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice Kirch cream: 1 cup whipping cream 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon kirsch Directions: Butter and flour an 8 inch cake pan with removable bottom and... View Article

Torta di Mele (Italian apple cake)

November 10, 2017

I would probably choose an apple dessert over chocolate. Did I lose you already? Hang in there. I love the contrast of sweet and tangy and the freshness that apples add to a dessert. When I have a chocolate dessert, I prefer it with a raspberry sauce, a cherry or some other fruity relief to provide contrast and context. Not that I can’t gorge on pure dark chocolate alone, I can do that well, but... View Article

Sticky date pudding with salted toffee sauce

October 18, 2017

One of my favourite fall desserts is a sticky toffee pudding, dense and moist, drizzled with sticky toffee sauce and served with ice cream. It doesn’t matter what I have for dinner, there is always room for this dessert. I have a few recipes that I rotate when making this pudding but I always keep my eyes open for something new and I found this one in a new dessert book. For those of you... View Article

Chocolate buttermilk bundt cake with chocolate sauce

November 15, 2016

This is a light and moist cake that keeps well although I doubt it will last long. You can fancy it up with a chocolate glaze or serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce (recipe below) as a casual dessert. Cake recipe adapted from Martha Stewart. Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups flour 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon coarse salt 1 1/4 cup buttermilk 1 cup... View Article

Let them eat (strawberry) cake

August 23, 2016

What cake did Marie Antoinette have in mind when she said “Let them eat cake”? What she supposedly said was “Qu’il mange de la brioche”, not exactly translated to “let them eat cake” but close enough in the sentiment. Perhaps she never said that at all and the phrase was unfairly attributed to her, but in any event, had she been alive still she’d be “eating her words” as that phrase is seen as the... View Article

Chocolate layer cake with strawberry sauce.

June 15, 2016

Told ya, I am into cakes this week. This is a chocolate cake that I slice horizontally to end with four layers and fill with rich and velvety chocolate buttercream. I glazed the cake with a shiny chocolate glaze and let it drip down the sides. This is an Ina Garten cake recipe that I slightly adapted to make this cake. I like the simplicity of the execution: mix all the dry ingredients in the... View Article

Strawberries and cream cake

June 10, 2016

My head has been filled with visions of cakes lately. Vanilla cake, chocolate cake, lemon cake, oye. There is not much opportunity to bake cakes these days because I cook for two most of the time but on the weekend we had friends visiting so the opportunity arose. I baked a vanilla cake and instead of serving a slice of cake with a pile of berries and a large dollop of whipped cream I thought... View Article

Blondies have more fun – blondie bites with candied nuts

May 17, 2016

I love to bake and often wonder what I like better, cooking or baking. There is no large audience here for baking as it is just the two of us at home. With the blog however, I invite you into my kitchen, virtual as this may be, and now I can bake for you. I spoke to a blogger friend about this and she said she would bake a cake and throw it out. I... View Article