Tag Archive: breakfast foods

Turkish eggs

February 16, 2020

The French have their egg en cocotte (eggs baked in cream) and the Turkish have their Turkish eggs, served over warmed yogurt with garlic and salt. You have to try it to get it.

Buttermilk waffles with pink cherry compote

July 16, 2014

Note: header image is a recent update, made with frozen strawberries cooked with a bit of sugar and pureed with an immersion mixer. This post goes with the previous one about cherry compote. I made the compote and served it over these waffles. It’s an easy, no-fail recipe that you can mix by hand in no time. Ingredients: 2 cups flour 3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 2 eggs 2... View Article

Vegan Oat Waffles with Peach Sauce

August 26, 2012

I never liked the word vegan when it comes to nutrition . Vegan refers to animal-product-free foods, but it doesn’t mean anything in terms of health. Coke and potato chips are vegan, if you get my (borrowed from Dr. McDougall) point. I won’t go into a plant based food sermon here but may in the future. In the meantime, here is a waffles recipe made without eggs, butter or oil and served with fresh peach... View Article

Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

August 24, 2012

Blueberries are plump and sweet right now and it’s hard not to buy them by the caseload. Some of them made it into a few jars of jam, some into simple desserts (Blueberry Buckle, to be posted) and a few get incorporated into breakfast foods, whether on top of cereal or, as in this recipe, inside and on top of pancakes. I make these lovely breakfast treats in regular size or in mini form. For... View Article

Apricot Jam

August 12, 2012

The apricots are so gorgeous right now I have to use them as much as I can. I made apricot tarts with some, and the remaining ripe apricots on my counter made it into the lovely little jam you see in the picture. I don’t make large quantities of jam for long term storage. I make enough for only a few jars to keep in the fridge for immediate consumption or give away to friends.... View Article