Tag Archive: berries desserts

Pavlova under a meringue cloche

November 18, 2017

The idea for this meringue came from my all-time favourite cooking show: Masterchef Australia. I have watched two seasons (more than 60 episodes per season) and to my great frustration instead of continuing with the following season they are replaying the last one. How annoying can they be? I feel like writing to complain (can’t watch it online). I love the Australian show for many reasons and learned a lot watching these amazing young contestants... View Article

Chocolate cookies with chocolate ganache

May 12, 2015

Rich and velvety chocolate ganache sandwiched between two crisp chocolate cookies is a treat for any of the chocoholics out there. If it’s too much chocolate you can use raspberry jam between the cookies instead. I have been on a baking spree lately, baking breads, biscotti, a couple of cakes and orange muffins. I don’t know about you but with me it like that, I get on a roll with one thing or another until... View Article

Free Form Trifle

May 21, 2014

Cooking mostly for two I find that I stay away from desserts that require a whole cake or a pan full of this or that. If I make a dessert I look for something that I can prepare with only 2 or 4 servings. No need for desserts lingering in my kitchen for too long and in any event I am sure I would want to make something new. This “deconstructed” or free form trifle... View Article