Sub Categories in Naples

Category of: Naples

Naples for foodies with Food tour of Naples

April 1, 2016

Continued from here. There is more to Naples that we were able to experience in our short stay (don’t miss the Veiled Christ sculpture, remarkable) but I did manage to go on a foodie tour (of course) and had a bit of an insider look at the Naple’s food scene that I am happy to share it with you.   I booked a tour with Food Tours of Naples. It being off season we ended... View Article

Naples: Vedi Napoli e poi muori – See Naples and die

March 31, 2016

Feature image above used by permission from David Killick, NZ Before we left for our epic trip to Italy we had a lot of conflicting advice about Naples. Some said you must go there if only for the pizza, others said, don’t go, it’s Mafia country, dangerous, crowded, polluted and there are pickpockets everywhere. I almost considered going there with a guide. In the end, I decided that I feel at home in the world... View Article