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Category of: Soups

Autumn vegetable soup with parsley pistou

September 27, 2015

My mental image of an ideal kitchen is one with a pot of soup simmering on the back burner with the warm, inviting aromas wafting in the air, making a house feel like home. My favourite pot to cook soups in is the French enamelled cast iron Le Creuset, and no, they are not paying me to say this. I have some beautiful copper pots that would look beautiful filled with soup, but then I... View Article

Fresh pea soup with creme fraiche

September 17, 2015

Fresh peas have a short season and I wasn’t expecting to find any on my last market trip but what do you know, here they were. They looked crisp and fresh so I bought a large bag and brought them home. I sat with a bowl like an old fashioned mamma and shelled the cute little peas wondering what to do with them. By the time I finished shelling I knew they were going into... View Article

Late summer corn chowder

September 10, 2015

This was one of the best corn season I remember in the Okanagan. Almost every day I picked up delicate and sweet cobs of corn with pearly, crispy, juicy kernels at local markets, still cool from early morning picking.  It was a memorable treat all summer and I have not tired of it yet. My quickest and easiest method for cooking corn is in the microwave. I place the husked cobs in a sturdy ceramic... View Article

Easy Summer tomato soup

August 26, 2015

I don’t make a lot of soups in the summer with two exceptions: tomato soups and corn soups. Making a soup with fresh tomatoes or fresh corm is a special treat that I reserve for summer cooking. A farmer nearby grows small round tomatoes that are juicy, sweet and delicious. I put a bunch of them in my Le Creuset pot with olive oil, onion, garlic and stock and a while later I have a... View Article

My go to soup: beans and pasta

May 6, 2015

I am sure anyone who cooks has some foods that they can make without a recipe and soups must be among them. Do soups really need a recipe? You kind of build a soup layer by layer with what you have on hand. This beans and pasta soup is the one I go to when I need a good hearty soup that doesn’t require any special trip to the store because I usually have all... View Article

Vegan Kale and potato soup with cashew cream

April 18, 2015

Funny I haven’t made kale soup before, especially because I make a lot of soups and tend to  have a pot of soup simmering at the back of the stove or a mason jar or two in the fridge with homemade simple and delicious soups. They are so easy to prepare and making dinner is simple if you have a nice soup on hand. Somehow I found myself with 4 bunches of kale in the... View Article

Three lentils and quinoa soup with cashew cream

March 22, 2015

It’s officially spring here in the Okanagan but still kind of cloudy and cool. The lilacs are trying to bud and I hope their efforts are going to be rewarded with warm weather and enough sunshine. So what I am trying to say is that it is still cool enough here to enjoy a warm bowl of hearty and delicious homemade soup. I wanted to have a simple dinner of soup and salad and have... View Article

Black Bean Soup with Cotija and Crema

February 3, 2015

I often have cooked beans on hand (in the fridge or freezer) and use them to make either a soup or refried beans or some other bean dish. You can make this recipe with uncooked beans as I instruct below, or use already cooked beans, sauteeing the vegetables, adding the beans and stock and continuing to cook and puree. To soak or not to soak? I have read various articles (here, here and here) with opinions spanning... View Article

Tuscan pasta and bean soup with basil

September 23, 2014

I am not quite ready to give up summer and open my kitchen to fall foods but you know how it is, I was in the mood to make a soup. My kitchen is still full of late summer tomatoes, ripe stone fruits, potatoes of every kind, beets, pickling cucumbers and even some summer zucchini and I am trying to make the most of these ingredients knowing they are on their way out as the... View Article

Salmorejo – the gazpacho from Andalucia

August 31, 2014

Traveling is an education. It’s more than visiting historical sites and driving through beautiful new landscapes. It challenges our assumptions and provides context for our education. When we engage with the world around us we broaden our horizon, become culturally competent. If we are receptive, we may shed preconceived ideas about cultures and people and open our minds to other perspectives. Visiting foreign lands used to be an integral part of a person’s education and... View Article

Asparagus Soup with Sorrel and Goat Cheese Creme Fraiche

June 12, 2014

In my last post about Joy Road catering alfresco dinner in the vineyard I promised to publish this asparagus soup recipe and here it is. This soup has been in my repertoire for a long time in a few variations (see here). I make it most often in the spring when local asparagus is fresh and full of flavour. Sometimes I use the potatoes to thicken it up, sometimes I just use loads of asparagus... View Article

Lentil Soup with Barley and Spinach

March 25, 2014

With winter lingering a little longer than I’d like and views of fog over the lake and snow on the mountains are what we see from our expansive windows up here, I am still in the mood for good hearty soups to serve with crusty bread and a crisp green salad for dinner. This lentil soup has been in my repertoire for a while and earned its respected position in my kitchen for its simplicity,... View Article