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Vegan oil free muffins

October 12, 2021

I love having muffins around for a quick snack or to enjoy with a cup of something. These are guilt free muffins made with whole wheat flour and containing no animal products or oils. The recipe is a basic one to which you can add or incorporate whatever strikes your fancy. I have added fruit purees like apple sauce, diced apples, berries, chopped dates, chopped nut that I often caramelize first, mashed banana etc. You... View Article


September 2, 2021

Sourdough baking was a life changer in the kitchen. I have been baking sourdough breads with my own starter since the beginning of Covid and have not looked back. I has become a lifestyle. I am amazed at how resilient the starter is. I am not one for babying it too much yet it springs back to life whenever I call for it. I have two starters on the go, one made with white flour,... View Article

Israeli Salad

September 2, 2021

This is a no-recipe salad you can whip up in no time and it goes well with many dishes. I know it as an Israeli salad and there it is served for breakfast, lunch or dinner. To make dice tomatoes and cucumbers and chop an onion, combining them in a bowl. Quantities are up to you. Make sure you keep all the juices from cutting the tomatoes in the bowl. Add a big handful of... View Article

Lavender-lemon bundt cake

July 16, 2021

The Okanagan is prime location for growing many produce and herbs, lavender included. There is lavender everywhere you look and it grows beautifully on our rooftop patio as well. It is a pretty, fragrant herb and I love getting a whiff of its scent as I reach over it to work in my garden. Lavender fields are a sight to behold. If you have ever seen them in France you know what I mean. I... View Article

French style peas and butter lettuce.

June 23, 2021

I first saw a version of this recipe on the Laura Calder Food Network show years ago. The recipe is for simply cooked peas and shallots in butter, to which you add torn leaves of butter lettuce, stock and dill. Simplicity itself. I serve this dish on its own with good crusty bread, over grilled bread or alongside other foods. I have seen variations of this recipe and it is a dish that is quite... View Article

Potatoes and Eggs with Thai green coconut curry

June 14, 2021

I love the flavours of south east Asia but I find making the recipes difficult as I seldom have all the ingredients on hand and I usually cook with what’s in my fridge. To make up for this I always have green and red curry paste jars in the fridge along with small jars of grated lemongrass and even ginger in case I need it. I use these to make Asian style dishes that are... View Article

Rye bread crisps

June 8, 2021

In the previous post I suggested serving eggplant salad with bread crisps. here is an easy recipe for crispy bread that would be nice any time you need a carrier for dip, a base for a salad or just something nice to snack on.

Roasted eggplant and red pepper salad

June 8, 2021

Before Covid I started inviting friends over for a glass of wine and some bites instead of a multi course dinner. It’s easy to prepare, I can sit and enjoy the company and there isn’t much clean up to do afterwards. This does not mean they have to go home hungry. You can prepare a few salads to serve with breads, a couple of dips (hummus, tzatziki etc.) a few fruits, a nice selection of... View Article

Chilaquilles with salsa verde

June 3, 2021

When visiting Cancun, as much as I enjoy going out for breakfast at one of the beautiful beach restaurants in this area, once in a while I have to put my cooking skills to use and make something at home other than the routine oatmeal that I usually “have to have”. Chilaquiles, a classic Mexican breakfast dish, is one of my favourite Mexican style breakfasts. Although it is seemingly a quick dish to make, it... View Article

Tomato Risotto

May 31, 2021

Risotto is an all-year dish, you can make it hearty in the winter with root vegetables and light and fresh in the spring and summer with peas, asparagus and like here, with tomatoes. Inspiration for this risotto was a NYT recipe but I did my thing and we loved it. To make start with the oil, shallots, and rice, then add wine and cherry tomatoes and reduce. Then start adding the stock, a bit at... View Article

Sourdough Discard Waffles with Oats

May 31, 2021

Whenever I make or refresh my starter I end up making overnight discard waffles. I leave the batter overnight and in the morning add a bit of oil, sugar and oat milk but no eggs. I imagine eggs may make them more fluffy but I like them the way they are and you can always add a teaspoon or so of baking powder or baking soda. These were baked in a small heart shaped waffle... View Article

Bitter Greens Salad with Figs, Gorgonzola and Caramel Walnuts

May 29, 2021

What kind of salad do you like? This is a bitter greens salad with ripe fresh figs, Gorgonzola dolce, caramel walnuts and a honey vinaigrette. Not too bitter…not too sweet…it is just right….Use radicchio, endive and some other mild greens for balance and colour (not arugula, it will be too much bitter). Toast walnuts with a little sugar in a skillet until sugar melts and caramelizes around the walnuts. Let them dry on parchment .... View Article