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Category of: GIVEAWAYS

Cookbook Giveaway Winners

November 30, 2014

                                   Congratulations COOKBOOK GIVEWAY winners: Thanks to all who participated in the GIVEAWAY. Because of the success of the Giveaway I will collect a few more books and offer another Giveaway when we return from our winter escape to warm weather. Please watch the blog for details.   The Cheesecake Bible:   Jordan 150 Best Dips and Salsas:  Kim... View Article

Giveaway #4 – The Cook’s Essential Kitchen Dictionary

November 21, 2014

GIVEAWAY #3 IN A SERIES OF 4: As food bloggers we sometime receive books from publishers asking us to review them. I decided to accept 4 books recently intending to pass them on to you who read my blog. This giveaway is intended as a thank you for keeping up with my food and travel writing, for joining my weekly mailing list, RSS feed and following me on social media. There will be 4 giveaways,... View Article

Giveaway #3 – Complete Book of Indian Cooking

November 21, 2014

GIVEAWAY #3 IN A SERIES OF 4: As food bloggers we sometime receive books from publishers asking us to review them. I decided to accept 4 books recently intending to pass them on to you who read my blog. This giveaway is intended as a thank you for keeping up with my food and travel writing, for joining my weekly mailing list, RSS feed and following me on social media. There will be 4 giveaways,... View Article

Cookbook Giveaway #1 – The Cheesecake Bible

November 15, 2014

Cookbook giveaway #1 in a series of 4: Who doesn’t like a giveaway? As food bloggers we sometime receive books from publishers asking us to review them. I decided to accept 4 books recently and would like to pass them on to you who read my blog. This giveaway is intended as a thank you for keeping up with my food and travel writing, for joining my weekly mailing list, RSS feed and following me... View Article