Fresh pea soup

March 22, 2024 Published by Dina

Green pea soup with fresh dill. I found that a good way to use up things in the freezer is by making them into soups. I have made tomato soup with last year’s tomatoes and now this pea soup from market peas that I put in the freezer last summer. 

Sauté a chopped shallot or two and a couple of garlic cloves in a bit of olive oil until soft and fragrant. 

Add about 3-4 cups peas and flavourful stock to cover by an inch or so and bring to a boil. Season with salt, pepper and fresh dill, lower heat and cook partially covered for 10 min or so, not too long. You can add more stock as necessary. 

Purée the soup with an immersion blender or in a blender.

Garnish with pea shoots and fresh dill. 

I kept it plant based but you can add cream or garnish with sour cream. 

So simple and fresh.

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