Bitter Greens Salad with Figs, Gorgonzola and Caramel Walnuts

What kind of salad do you like? This is a bitter greens salad with ripe fresh figs, Gorgonzola dolce, caramel walnuts and a honey vinaigrette. Not too bitter…not too sweet…it is just right…
Use radicchio, endive and some other mild greens for balance and colour (not arugula, it will be too much bitter).
Toast walnuts with a little sugar in a skillet until sugar melts and caramelizes around the walnuts. Let them dry on parchment .
Choose ripe figs and halve them vertically.
Scatter Gorgonzola over (it’s very soft and creamy). You are allowed to lick your fingers if it’s just your salad.
Make a vinaigrette with a tablespoon of white balsamic, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 1 or so tablespoon honey and balance with salt. Drizzle over the salad and I like a bit of honey drizzled over my salad as well, hubs doesn’t.
Enjoy with good bread.

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