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So, you want to marry a chef? Things no one tells you about marrying a chef Huffington Post
“It all looks so fun and glamorous — as the other half of a chef, I’m clearly partaking in all this glitzy, fancy food-induced awesomeness, right? That’s both true and false. ”
So, you want to marry a chef…Eat or Cry CNN, by
“When most people learn that I am married to a chef, they automatically assume that I eat well and spend my nights alone. This is almost accurate.”
Wondering what artwork has to do with your life? read Art for Life’s Sake, Great works of art can help us deal with life’s challenges, by Alain de Botton, WSJ
“None of this is sentimental. Strategic exaggerations of what is beautiful and good can perform a critical function: They distill and concentrate the hope that we require to chart a path through the difficulties of existence.”
Looking for a restaurant in Paris? here is Paris by Mouth Favourite restaurants of 2013.
Going to Paris? I am:) check out Paris wine bars Paris bakeries Paris chocolate shops
Love travel, books, food? Literary City Guide by Eat this Poem
“Literary City Guides are a travel resource for bookworms who love to eat. Local writers and bloggers share the best bookstores, coffee shops, reading nooks, and restaurants to inspire your next getaway.”
Annoying bare feet beside you on the plane? Whose Feet Are Those? Negotiating Air Travel Etiquette
“Forget paying extra for more legroom seats. These days I’d pay to sit next to someone who keeps his socks on. On recent flights I’ve had bare feet beside me, on the back of my armrest, on the bulkhead in front of me. Once, upon feeling something push through the sliver of space where the seat back and bottom meet, I reached behind me and grabbed a stranger’s toes.”
Always dreamed of living in an architecturally designed home? Here is your chance: Living Architecture
“Living Architecture has asked a series of great architects to build houses around the UK and has made these available to rent for holidays all year round”.
Do olives grow on trees? visit an olive grove in Italy with Val of More than Burnt Toast: Melanzane Sott’Olio (Pickled Eggplant) and a Journey to the Olive Press.
“One evening we travelled along increasingly narrow roads and over streams in the flatlands of the Sele and Alento rivers that snaked through her property and through groves containing over 1,500 olive trees to her other farm property Masseria Elisio where workers were gathering olives in long nets. They loaded up the olives in trucks and headed to the frantoio, or olive press”.
Renovating your kitchen? Food bloggers kitchen reno ideas
Still haven’t tried cast iron? Ten reasons to try cast iron cooking
Need to buy new cookware? How to choose and buy cookware – guide to choosing cookware
Wondering about cooking in clay cookware? Clay Cookware: Which material is Best?
Barcelona based food blogger Nuria of Spanish Recipes is making her Christmas wish list.
Are your beans taking forever to cook? Why won’t my beans cook?
How to brew a cup of tea: Brewing tea: our sommelier advice from Guylaine at
“We must consider many factors when brewing rich, well-balanced liquor. In a perfect brew, the ratio between tea quantities, volume of water, brewing temperature and infusion time affect its equilibrium”.
Like Italian wines? California vintners branch out to Italian grapes
“Though perhaps better suited to California’s climate, Italian varietals didn’t have much cachet at the time and were basically relegated to blends and low-cost jug wines.”
Running out of wine: World Faces Global Wine shortage
“inventories will likely be reduced as current consumption continues to be predominantly supplied by previous vintages”
What? they don’t drink wine in Italy anymore? Italy’s vintners look abroad as domestic wine consumption hits record low. (Globe and Mail)
“In the past 25 years, wine “has become a hedonistic product, which is not part of Italians’ basic diet anymore,” said Michele Fino, law professor and wine expert from the University of Gastronomic Studies in Pollenzo”.
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