Corn Buttermilk Muffins
My friend Dori mentioned that she wanted to make corn muffins and that of course triggered in me immediately the desire to make corn muffins, especially with all the fresh corn on the market now. I make several different types of muffins and usually adapt one recipe to make something else with it. This time I thought I’d make something new and settled on corn-buttermilk muffins. The slight tang from the buttermilk would balance the sweetness from the honey, corn and sugar and would yield a nice fluffy texture. Well, it did.
I baked them in different molds, some in a regular muffin tray, some in brown parchment baking cups and other in the white parchment baking cups. They don’t need to all look the same. I bought these parchment baking cups in Vancouver at the Gourmet Warehouse on east Hastings a few months ago and they have been sitting on the shelve waiting for an opportunity to show their stuff. And since I was “on a roll” I also baked apricot cakes (recipe will be posted soon) and baked them in the parchment molds as well. They are all cooling now in the kitchen and I am at the computer writing down the recipes. We’ll see if I do any more with them later. If you want a couple of other corn muffin recipes you can try Martha Stewart’s recipe or the Barefoot Contessa recipe, both produce excellent muffins. Here is mine.
1 cup self rising flour
1 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
A pinch of salt
2 eggs
1/3 cup corn oil
1/4 cup liquid honey
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup corn kernels, processed briefly in a food processor
In one bowl place flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking soda and salt and mix to blend.
In another bowl combine eggs, oil, honey and buttermilk and mix with a whisk.
Add flour to egg mixture and stir to just until blended, not too vigorously.
Add the chopped corn into the batter and mix gently, not too much.
Let batter sit for about 5 minutes.
Spray muffin cups with non-stick vegetable spray.
Spoon batter into muffin cups about 2/3 full.
Bake in a preheated oven at 375℉ for about 20 minutes or until done. The muffins should be light golden and a toothpick inserted into them should come out clean. I don’t really do the toothpick test with muffins. I just carefully touch the tops and feel if there is sufficient resistance indicating they are done, but suit yourself.
When muffins are done remove the tray from the oven and let cool on the counter. When cooled, turn the tray over to release the muffins. You may need to use a knife to gently help some of them out.
Enjoy with a spoonful of jam or on their own.
Loved your varied corn meal muffins, just in the mood for a different textured treat. It transitions well with the fall season cooking that is threatening our present weather, I look forward to your root vegetable creations.
Hi Dori, this one was for you. You are also right about the impending change in weather. I already have my root vegetable recipes lined up.